
Tourist attractions

The Deer House, named so after the stag's head fixed on the corner of the building, is a specific construction of the Transylvanian Renaissance, probably dating from the 17th century. Notable are its robust and balanced forms, the vaulting of the ground floor, the stone window with denticles and the small windowed bellows, facing the square. The Deer House was restored by Restauro Messerschmitt Association from 1997 - 2001. Currently, in the Deer House, you can find the Art Coloris Transilvaniae collection of Sighisoara artist Rareș Kerekeș.

The Venetian House, named after the stone window frames that imitate Venetian Gothic, dating from the 16th century, was the residence of Mayor Stephanus Mann, whose tombstone can be seen in the Church on the Hill.

Located in the eastern part of the lower plateau of the Citadel, the Clock Tower - the symbol of the city - symbolizes the defense effort, the desire for affirmation and authority of the Sighisoara Citadel. The construction is based on a rectangular prism, has five levels, which together with the balcony and the pyramidal roof have 64 m height. The History Museum of Sighisoara is located also in the Clock Tower.

In the Vlad Dracul House, one of the oldest stone constructions in the Citadel, it is assumed that Vlad Dracul, lord of Wallachia, son of Mircea the Elder, and Vlad Tepes, lived.

Citadel Square was the commercial market and the place of trial in the Middle Ages. Here is the "Pillar of Infamy", a column with iron rings, to which those who committed crimes, were tied with a 6 kg stone hung around their necks. Take a break and quietly enjoy a refreshing lemonade at one of the inviting terraces in this amazing Citadel Square.

The Covered Stairway or the Scholar's Stairs, which has 300 steps, was built in 1642. It was covered to protect the children, who follow this path to Joseph Haltrich High School. Following the changes of 1849, only 175 steps remained. As a reward for walking these stairs, you will reach the Church on the Hill, one of the most representative ecclesiastical buildings in the Gothic style.

Of the four churches that once existed within the fortress, three have been preserved: the Roman Catholic Church, the Monastery Church and the Church on the Hill, which we warmly recommend you to visit. The Church on the hill is the third largest in Transylvania.

The Towers of the Citadel - the Clock Tower, the Blacksmiths' Tower, which houses the permanent exhibition "Dracula Galleries", the Shoemakers' Tower, where the local radio station is located, the Tailors' Tower, the Tanners' Tower, the Butchers' Tower, the Ropemaker's Tower which currently serves as the cemetery guard's house, The Tinsmiths' Tower and the Furriers' Tower.